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Senin, 16 Februari 2009

Are You Need Workshop & Home Improvement Tools?

the era of the more advanced at this time the people want a practical way of life, all simple, does not disrupt the activities and if they need to be conducted with the sweet sitting can go without getting the desired needs.

With the progress of the internet at this time all the things that can be done, because at this time companies are watching the race to give customer service a featherbed. They have made the online store, one of them through this.

One is the needs of workshops and home improvement. You can search in here.
In Here provided a variety of products : Tools and hardware, hand tools, painting supplies, house paints and workshop accessories.

In Here provided a variety of products : Handled Saws (circular saws, jig saws, miter saws, reciprocating saws), Other Saws (power saws, radial arm saws, table saws, band saws and tile saws), Jointers, Lathes, Planers, Power Drills, Power Grinders, Woodworking Routers dan Shapers.

And to enhance the needs of catalog for workshop equipment adn home improvement, you can also find it in here.

You search for information according to your needs, then the message is ready to serve, SO EASY?

You want to have the online store that will simplify and expand the sales of your product to the world without you must selling with the conventional way? You can also have it through this.

21 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Ternyata ada yang versi Indonesia ya...

Senoaji mengatakan...

ho-ohh... lebih jelas... semoga sukses mbak.. [lho??]

Anonim mengatakan...

baru ngeeh ternyata ada shopwiki to. makasih infonya neng zie2. yuk ke TKP langsung ajah!

Anonim mengatakan...

Gw mau bikin sayur asem, bahan2nya bisa dicari di SHOPWIKI gak..???

HE..he...guyonmbak ojo nesu....

Anonim mengatakan...

ripiu ya mbak... hehe... shopwiki paling demen ke blogsvertise hehehe...

Anonim mengatakan...

ada lagi mbak... mmm... apanya aku lupa tp aku pernah posting di blogspot ku...isinya jualan alat2 masak... wahhh.. bagus2 banget aku aja ngiler tp mahal2 euy... pake dollar belinya hiks...

Anonim mengatakan...

thanks sharingnya Zie, duh kemana aja nih jarang ada kabarnya, lagi sibuk tkp aja deh..

Anonim mengatakan...

Ass. Zie.. apa kabar.
Ada PR buat Zie. Diterima ya..

-- mengatakan...

wah.. mantap infonya... thx ya sista :)

Miss u.......

Vivi Renissa mengatakan...

thx ya bwt infonya..

tapi aku belum berani tuh belanja via internet, masih suka cara konvensional...

mencobahidup mengatakan...

tapi sepertinya toko biasa tidak akan atau masih jauh ditinggalkan pelanggannya, karena bisa megang(nyobain langsung barang jualannya)

Anonim mengatakan...

terimakasih dgn infonya.
kemana saja mbak Zizie ...sibuk banget ya..

Anonim mengatakan...

review ya mba... bergerak dalam bisnis apaan nih mba... ke TKP ya biar lebih jelas..

Nyante Aza Lae mengatakan...

waw.....bakalan dapet traktiran niyy

Anonim mengatakan...

ikutan mbak... mampir ke shopwiki hehe...

Anonim mengatakan...

met malam mbak Zie... udah rame nih ripiunya jehehe... daku blm isa ikutan hiks...

Anonim mengatakan...

Sukses mbak Zie... semoga lancar job-jobnya he..he..

Anonim mengatakan...

kyknya oke nih klo belanja online
mksh ya infonya

IjoPunkJutee mengatakan...

Belanja...belanja......, Eits....tengok isi dompet dulu....,

Gaji dah keluar tapi terus aja keluar, Mbok Warung sebelah dah berharap dari 1/2 bulan yang lalu.....(lemezz....)

Imam Wahyudi mengatakan...

Laris lariss manisss

Haris mengatakan...

Siip, ntar ke tkp ah

