This photo taken at the time the home course.
sorry, picturenya disembunyikan ya
1. Take a recent photo of yourself OR take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW
2. DON'T change your cloth. DON'T fix your hair (cause I use Jilbab so not change my jilbab), just take a picture
3. Post that picture with NO editing
4. Post this instruction with your picture
5. Tag 10 people to do this
2. DON'T change your cloth. DON'T fix your hair (cause I use Jilbab so not change my jilbab), just take a picture
3. Post that picture with NO editing
4. Post this instruction with your picture
5. Tag 10 people to do this
Next, I get specially award from Mas Gus , thanks alot Mas, I am very impressed .
Award from Devianty and Mas Gus I will continue to :
Zebhi , Apipuzi , Aphied , ManusiaBiasa , Dhe , Brigadista , Knowvie , Miftahul Arifin , Didiet , Indira , Mas Maman, Aiwy , Acex
Next, I get PR again from my brother Zebhi, He get form Pram. I must answere some question about historical my blog and my life.
Questions :
1. Why my blog use name riema-ziezie-merbabucity???
history the name of my blog from the last time, my friend was call me with sie / zie and eventually become ziezie. So i think good if i use name Riema Ziezie added merbabucity because i lift in village under Merbabu.
2. Why Your blog use this tamplate???
2. Why Your blog use this tamplate???
Just simple reason because I like pink (the feminim color)
3.What event do not forget in your life???
when parents fully support me in my education and career
Next, PR from Mas Maman :
4. Where do your blog come from???
the first time make blog i was use but not easy for me so i change to, Agusta help me for made, edit until give accessories for my blog. I said Thanks alot to him.
5. When were your blog created???
I made my blog since January 2007 but until now I am still newbie not yet expert in blog. The first reason I make blog just for writing my opinion about something. So Now I want learn much about "How make dollar from blog although slowly and step by step".
6. What are the difficulties when you create a blog???
6. What are the difficulties when you create a blog???
Choice template, so now I just use standard template. But nevermind, this template enough for me.
7. Why discuss the topic you are posting now???
7. Why discuss the topic you are posting now???
I make posting for share my opinion about something.
8. Why your blog use this view template???
8. Why your blog use this view template???
because simple template
9. What are you doing first when your blog so new???
make posting
10. Next you must continue to lucky blogger , can use english or indonesian, I will continue to : Kak Erik , Mas Seno, Kak Budiawan Hutasoit, Devianty, Mas Gus, Budhe Fakhrun, Mama Kayla, Mama Hilda, Nyante Aja Lae, Bagus Prast, Kak Handoko, Mba Milla Schumacher, Mas Sunny, Denny Rendra and other friend visit here.
10. Next you must continue to lucky blogger , can use english or indonesian, I will continue to : Kak Erik , Mas Seno, Kak Budiawan Hutasoit, Devianty, Mas Gus, Budhe Fakhrun, Mama Kayla, Mama Hilda, Nyante Aja Lae, Bagus Prast, Kak Handoko, Mba Milla Schumacher, Mas Sunny, Denny Rendra and other friend visit here.
20 komentar:
terima kasih banyak mba.....
manusia biasa sumpah kebanjiran PR dan award nih...
langsung tak bungkusin buat kado ulang tahun
bukan ulang tahun tapi tahun baru maksudnya
zie..makasih yah awardnya..
sungguh suatu yang begitu mengagumkan bwt dhe..
Sip makasih Mba zie, pasti saya kerjain PR-nya. Selamat tahun baru juga buat Mba Zie. Sukses selalu buat Mba Zie dan keluarga.
Maaf nih, lama g nengokin mba zie, lagi ada beberapa urusan darat he..h.e. Salam.
Eh, lupa kamera digitalku rusak he..he.. kalo photo lama boleh g he..he.. Makasih. Salam buat semuanya. Selamat Tahun baru Hijriah dan Masehi.
BTW saya masih newbie Mba,masih awam he..he.
thanks mbaku udh dikerjakan PR nya....udh msk 2009 nih sukses mbaku
SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 2009 YA mbak semoga semuanya menjadi lancar dan sukses
Waduh Zie, tulisannya pake bahasa londo, kk ora ngerti Zie.
Eh kk dapet PR tho?
Met tahun baru juga Zie, semoga kita bisa makin tahu makna hidup ini
Congrats on your PR, you deserve it...
visiting to wish you a happy new year.. nice award...
Hello there, congrats on your PR, by the way i added you on my list.. hope u can add me back, thanks!
Cool Award, wish i can have it too hehehe..
smg makin semangat nge blog nya mbak
semoga tambah semangat ya mbak... btw postingannya berubah jadi bahasa linggis ya hehehe...
matur tengkyu awardnya!
wah prnya dah selesai yah mba, wah pengharagaan yang luar biasa dari mas gus....selamat yah mba keep blogging forever
Barakallahu fiik... Selamat atas Awardnya yach.. oo..gitu ya asal muasalnya ..budhe senang menikmatinya tapi he.. bosone cas cis cus ..rodo ga' ngeh'lum
Mba' Zie cantik yach..kesan teduh berwibawa.. Alhamdulillah..
Oh ya.. makasih ternyata budhe kebagian juga ya..he..jadi tersipu nich.. sama Mba' Zie slalu diingat klo' dapet kesenangan.. matur nuwun ya..smoga Mba' Zie sejahtera senantiasa lahir batin dan Allah Ta'alla mudahkan untuk segala urusan..Amien..
selamat yg dapet award, saya juga dapet. Gus doang memang baik hati yah..
weleh2..dapat PR ya...OK dik, nanti kukerjakan PRnya
btw, Met tahun baru ya, semoga sukses dan sehat selalu di tahun yang baru ini
"He he...Adiku ini emang rajin memposting..aku jadi kebagian PR lagi ih..
InsyaALLAH kapan2 ya...
Blum ada yang baru hi..hi... sorry kemarin pas mba zie dateng ke rumah, saya lagi g OL he..he.. tapi udah ketemu kan. ada masalah g?
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